Dear Friends,
When it comes to fashion I'm constantly looking for inspiration. I crave, yearn, even desire it. I guess you can say I've been having a long-term affair with my inspirations. So you can imagine when I actually stumble upon something that, low and behold, inspires me. I go a little crazy, insane even. There's some gasps, quick breathing, and maybe even fainting. Okay, so I wouldn't go that far but you see where I'm going with this. Lately inspiration has been sneaking up on me in the most unexpected places. Whether it be simply looking at an interesting building, a bouquet of colorful flowers, or even an old movie poster. Inspiration is always lurking around the corner and it's only up to you to take it all in. Recently, I've been indulging in classic movies that were mainly made in the thirties and forties. Everything that came from that timeline simply seemed to be, better. The movies, music, and of I've always been obsessed with fashion that came from another time. Whether it be the roaring twenties, nifty fifties, or even the swinging sixties. I've always and will always be inspired. All the trends from back then seem to be coming back anyways. Cat eye sunglasses, maxi skirts (thank you Janis Joplin), and high-waist trousers (I bow down to you Katherine Hepburn. It's just that people now a days like pretend they've come up with it and tend to call it "their own". Anyways I guess this post is just to tell you guys that just be open to possibilities because I guarantee that if you just open your eyes, as well as your heart, inspiration fill find you. Oh, and please, feel free to send me comments or emails on what inspires you. Whether it be a picture, song, hell even a piece of furniture. I really want to know what inspires you and why. Have a great weekend and stay safe!
-Sandra Rose :)
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