Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's a bit late for Thanksgiving but give thanks anyways :)

Sometimes you start to wonder if you'll ever be able to get the things you desire. You start to believe that you don't deserve them thus you'll never be able to have it. Of course I'm not just talking about materialistic things. I'm talking talking about a 32" in flat screen or even Rumi Neely's entire wardrobe.
Nope, I'm talking about something entirely different. I'm pretty sure you can guess what that is. It's the thing that makes us feel all warm inside. The thing that keeps us going because we have something to go on for. The thing that makes every single day wort wild, because you have something to live for. Or should I say someone to live for. I've seen people become so lucky because they have found that. For a friend of mine, she is not so lucky. It's sad to see her like that because she's so smart and talented. She has so much to be thankful for but that's not the way she sees it. She thinks that she'll never be able to find that something that she's looking for. I know that's not true because someone would have to be an idiot to not want to spend the rest of their lives with her. I just wish she could see it that way. I know that sometimes the world may not work out the way we want it to at first but if you just give it a little time, it can surprise you in ways you'd never thought possible. So what if we don't always get what we want. Just think that somewhere in the world someone is starving or doesn't have a place to live. Sometimes we just have to stop and look at the things we have. To be honest, those are the things that matter most. You may not have the love of some gorgeous guy or that amazing studio apartment on U Street.
So what.
At least you have good health and family and friends that love you. Cause in the end that's all that matters, nothing else.

-Andy :)

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