Monday, December 6, 2010

Someday my prince will come :)

Dear readers,

It seems that I'm loosing faith in something that couldn't possibly exist. How could I have faith in something if it doesn't exist you ask? Well like I said before, I'm a romantic. It wasn't always this way. You see, I used to be one of the biggest cynics out there. Then I thought what's the fun in being a cynic? Surely there has to be something out there. Something more than just second best right? It's a beautiful idea but at times I find myself believing that maybe that's all there is out there, second best. Maybe there isn't anything more. Maybe we just have to settle for what's out there but what's the fun in that. Sometimes I wish I could jump into a timeline and switch places with Elizabeth Bennett or Catherine Moreland.
Okay, so maybe I've been watching way to many BBC movies but a girl can dream. Why can't it be roses all the time instead of daises? Everyone keeps saying it's a fantasy but I refuse to believe it. I refuse to believe that all we're going to get are sex driven men who pick there noses and whip it under the table. Because despite not finding my Mr. Darcy or Mr. Tilney doesn't mean they don't exist.
Well they actual don't exist, they're just fiction characters in Jane Austen's many books. But that doesn't mean that they're are men similar to them out there, right?
Right! I believe that there are and just because I haven't crossed paths with them doesn't mean they're not out there, living and breathing. Okay I've literally been watching and reading way too much Austen. Maybe I should switch to Tarantino or Dickens. Anyways this post wasn't supposed to be about me going on about my love life. It was supposed to be an inspirational post. Basically saying that just because you haven't find what you're looking for doesn't mean it's not out there. Whether it's friendship, work, or even love. Don't give up hope just because life isn't going your way. You know the saying "everything comes to those who wait"?
Well I believe in that saying with all my heart and so should you. A couple of months ago I was jobless and living with my mother and 19. Well I kept saying to myself over and over, "something will come along" and surely enough, something did. I later got a job that was paying 20 dollars and hour for 50 hours a week.
So now I'm looking at some amazing apartments that I can finally afford, in an amazing nrighborhood. Now I'm not going to lie. There were times when I was ready to give up but I didn't. Instead I just kept on treading water until a boat came along and saved me and one eventually did.
Now, I don't want to go all Oprah on you but despite everything not working out, I didn't loose hope and I guess that's what I'm trying to say. You just have to keep treading water because eventually a boat will come along. Now it may not be a cruise ship or even a yacht but at least you're dry and didn't drown. Now that's sort of a morbid way to look at it, or sounded better in my head.
Oh well, just remember that life comes with all sorts of surprises, some big and some small. You just have to learn how to accept them the way they are. Huh, looks like maybe I need to take my own advice.

-Andy :)

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