Monday, December 13, 2010

Orange tights and a pink tutu :)

Dear Readers,
It's not secret that I'm pretty much obsessed with fashion. If it is then clearly you don't know me very well. Fashion is like my bread and butter. The ying to my yang. Some people have hobbies, I have fashion. Ever since I was little putting together the right outfit was important. Take 1st grade picture day for example. I just had to be the most stylish 1st grader on the block. With my orange tights paired with a pink tutu and a leather jacket to finish it all off. Of course I even had my hello kitty backpack with me which pulled together the whole outfit. I'm not joking here people, It's what I honestly wore. Thankfully my style has evolved into something a bit more elegant, than Hello Kitty. Nevertheless, fashion is my life. I plan to finish The Arts Institute and intern at one of the best fashion magazines today. Yes, I'm a bit ambitious but it's better than being lazy. With fashion there comes fashion blogs which is the selected topic of today's post. I cannot begin to explain how elated with joy I am that someone came up with this brilliant idea. I mean anyone with a camera a brain can simply come up with a fashion blog but I think it takes much more than that.
Yes, it takes a little something more than just a camera and a brain to come up with a fashion blog. For one, you have to have an unique and tasteful idea of what your planning to blog. Or else everyone would have a blog describing their fashion takes and to be honest, let's thank God that's not the case. Because fashion isn't just something that you wake up one morning having knowledge about. Unless you hire a stylish then that's a different story. I always thought it was a gift that some people poses and other's simply don't. Terrifying right?
Being born without a fashion sense. It's not uncommon though, I've seen the fanny pack worn every now and then. But on a serious note, fashion blogs are the biggest new crave on the internet since YouTube. Or maybe that's just my perspective. Either way though, it seems as if you can't turn a page in a fashion magazine without hearing a thing or two about a new blogger who's decided to become a fashion blogger. Whether you're a boy or girl, it doesn't matter because I feel as though as long as you know what your typing about, go ahead and type. Fashion blogs the newest accessory on the internet. I honestly think they're giving stylists a run for their money because why pay for one when you can just go online and visit Rumi Neely's blog or even Erika Marie's? Maybe that's a but dramatic because whether they're people that can't dress, stylists will be there to save the day. So don't worry stylists, you're safe. Nope, I don't think stylists are going anywhere and from the looks of it, neither are fashion blogs. I think it's safe to say that like ballet flats, fashion blogs will always be in style.
P.S I've listed some of the fashion blogs that I follow, they're absolutely to die for!!

Fashiontoast/Rumi Neely

FashionChalet/Erika Marie

Bryanboy/Bryan Grey-Yambao

Champagne and Marshmallows

-Andy :)

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